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May 28, 2013


Hi, VaNessa. Thank you for commenting to the blog. Please check back on the VIP Club website on July 15 for the details about our next big promotion through the club. It will be keyed off nonwinning tickets just as our past promotions have been, so if you want to hang onto your tickets, please do so. Also, please be aware that we announced the transition of the VIP Club back on April 15 so everyone would have plenty of notice about the changes that were occurring and the deadlines that were involved. We pushed out the information several ways: We issued a news release that went to media outlets statewide; we added the new information in several places on the VIP Club website and continued to prominently feature it there all the way through June 30; we sent an initial email making the announcement to all members of the VIP Club; and we pushed the information out on social media, including on our blog, Facebook and Twitter. We sent reminder emails again about the deadlines to all VIP Club members on May 8 and June 24. I'm sorry you didn't see the information in the months that we had it posted, but we're excited about the changes you'll see as we move ahead.

I wished that our points just didn't go to waste. I wasn't able to use mines and I would have been nice to at least use them before you loose them without being able to enter more tickets to gain more points. Mines were completely wiped out and I worked hard to gain them. I wansn't in the position to keep updated as much with the deadline only to log in today and find I have no options to use them. To me.. that was alot of hard work, time and money without being given the option to just spend my balance to purchase something until my balance was zero. I had alot of points saved up.

I enjoyed the losing tickets and receive many gift which I want to say Thank You!
I hope you will do it again sometime.

Hi, Kay. We're ironing out the final details for our upcoming promotions through the VIP Club. They'll be keyed off nonwinning tickets just as our past promotions have been, so if you want to hang onto your tickets, please do so. I anticipate we'll make our next promotion announcement this summer. We announced the transition of the VIP Club back on April 15 and pushed out the information several ways: We issued a news release that went to media outlets statewide; we added the new information in several places on the VIP Club website and have continued to prominently featured it there; we sent an initial email making the announcement to all members of the VIP Club; and we pushed the information out on social media, including on our blog, Facebook and Twitter. We sent a reminder email about the upcoming May 15 deadline to all VIP Club members again on May 8; and again pushed the information out on social media. We'll send another reminder one week before the June 30th deadline to use your points.

It would be nice to know ahead of time that you were deleting your play it again ticket entry. I had several tickets I would have liked to enter. Are they going to be any good when you revamp the program?

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As the lottery’s vice president of external relations, I’m a member of the senior management team at the Iowa Lottery, where I’ve worked since 1999. I’ve spent my years at the lottery learning as much as I can about all the ins and outs of the lottery industry. I’ll put that knowledge to work here so I can share the behind-the-scenes details with you!