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January 14, 2014


You are on the right track, Deb! For now, I'll just say that it will be a lotto game with a twist!


is there going to be a game that instead of having 5+1 number to win, it will have fewer numbers...like 4 with no extra ball? Hints: 3 yada's, previous letter mentioned why you have to have so many numbers to win.....thats my guess. for today. :-)

So, I guess we decided to one-up "Seinfeld"? Actually, "yadda, yadda, yadda," is what the player wrote to us (three yaddas, not two), so that's what we answered back. We are featuring actual player mail, not made-up stuff! Keep those comments coming, Jeff. Great to hear from you.

The famous Seinfeld clip only had two yada (as did Lenny Bruce) - hmmmm.....

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As the lottery’s vice president of external relations, I’m a member of the senior management team at the Iowa Lottery, where I’ve worked since 1999. I’ve spent my years at the lottery learning as much as I can about all the ins and outs of the lottery industry. I’ll put that knowledge to work here so I can share the behind-the-scenes details with you!