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January 13, 2016


Thanks for your comments, Linda. When the jackpot gets really high like it has been this month, we do sometimes hear the comment that you've made. But people's behavior does not reflect that sentiment. Sales follow the jackpot up -- the higher the jackpot goes, the higher sales go. I think people are voting with their pocketbooks on this one.

Hi, Lyle. That is simply the way that the prizes within the game are structured. As you can see, there are four "sections" of prize levels -- the $4 level, the $7 level, the $100 level and the upper prize levels.

If you have the power ball it's $ 4.00, if you have the power ball and 1 number it's still only $ 4.00, why is that not more?

I have several things i would love to express but ill keep it simple..this lotto prize should NEVER be able to get this high. Imagine that the cash option alone is enough for every person in the U.S. to have 3 million (approximately) EACH. thats more then enough to live comfortable and solve the countries problem with all the needy, hard working & yes..a little more for the wealthy. What is wrong with you people??? What 1 10 or even 100 people NEED this much $??? I play the lottery and at this CRAZY prize amount would GLADLY give my permission to not have a drawing and spread this money around to EVERYONE in the US. Rules & regulations should be to take care of our country and to ALL the people who make it great.

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As the lottery’s vice president of external relations, I’m a member of the senior management team at the Iowa Lottery, where I’ve worked since 1999. I’ve spent my years at the lottery learning as much as I can about all the ins and outs of the lottery industry. I’ll put that knowledge to work here so I can share the behind-the-scenes details with you!