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January 29, 2016


Hi, Diane. Thank you for letting us know that. Yes, that can be fixed! I will reach out to the regional office that handles that retail account and ask them to follow up on that. I appreciate the head's up!

I recently used the lottery machine at I-80 EXIT 201 Pilot store, and the label for Love Stinks, and Red Ball 7, is reversed. If you hit Love Stinks, you get the Red Ball 7, can this be fixed??

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As the lottery’s vice president of external relations, I’m a member of the senior management team at the Iowa Lottery, where I’ve worked since 1999. I’ve spent my years at the lottery learning as much as I can about all the ins and outs of the lottery industry. I’ll put that knowledge to work here so I can share the behind-the-scenes details with you!