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March 27, 2017


I agree with Mark Chandler

Hi, Barbara. Good to hear from you! I'll pass your comments regarding scratch tickets along to our I.T. crew. Appreciate the feedback!

hello Mary..
I like the new page. I just wish that you guys would let us check our crossword tickets on here instead of going into the store. you know like when we put numbers in to get prizes or such. I just like checking my tickets at home. and some day I hope you do the thing that we can get stuff with our losing tickets like before. I love my tv and my grill.. just keep saving my losers!! (in hopes!) thanks Barb..

Hi, Mark. I'm glad to see this comment -- I appreciate your description of how you use the website. I will pass this along to our web team. Here is the back story of the changes that we made to the home page: Players over time had said they wanted to be able to see more information about our individual games all on one screen -- the jackpot, winning numbers, "last won" details and a link to check your numbers. It's basically a one-stop-shop approach for that particular game, and we understand why people would like that. The difficulty when it came to the previous design for the home page is that we couldn't fit all of that information for each game on the screen and still make the site usable. We would have had to make things so small that the info. wouldn't be readable. So, we redesigned the site to achieve the one-stop-shop approach for individual games. In doing so, you're right, as a visitor to the site, you do have to use another click to view a different game. It's a balancing act for sure, and as with most things in life, this exercise has proved that you can't please all of the people all of the time! :) But we'll keep working on things! Thank you again for your feedback.

Hi Mary! This comment is not really about the new game, but more about your new front page. It's nice to have the updated look, but it's really more a "step backwards"... It was SO convenient to be able to hit the front page and get all of your numbers at one shot. Well, two shots I guess- that would have been nice to have fixed. If you are checking your numbers, which is what that area is for, you don't want to have to go clicking on a bunch of icons to have to find what you are searching for.

Just my 2 cents...
Thanks! Mark

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As the lottery’s vice president of external relations, I’m a member of the senior management team at the Iowa Lottery, where I’ve worked since 1999. I’ve spent my years at the lottery learning as much as I can about all the ins and outs of the lottery industry. I’ll put that knowledge to work here so I can share the behind-the-scenes details with you!