A collection of questions came our way on Facebook from a woman asking about lottery details you may have wondered about as well.
Her name is Paulette, and she asked this: “How do you distribute the scratch tickets? Do you know the location of the winners before the tickets are purchased or are they also randomly sent to different locations and then you learn of the winners when they come forward? Also, why do some sites have every new holiday scratch ticket, while others have a few and some don’t have any yet? Is that due to the volume of tickets sold at that location?”
The random distribution of tickets in our games is a central security feature of the lottery. Not even we know which tickets will win prizes in our games, or where those tickets have been distributed. Paulette is exactly right: We learn about our prize winners when they visit a retail location or lottery office to claim their prizes.
And in regards to her question about holiday games, it’s possible that she visited some stores as our holiday games were being delivered statewide. It takes about a week for any new game to be distributed to all stores across the state, and our district sales representatives may not yet have made their stops at the particular stores she visited. And, some stores prefer to sell through existing tickets before they begin selling something new, so sales volume is indeed part of the picture.
Great questions, Paulette! We hope that you – and all our players – have a good weekend!
Hi, Dan. I'm so glad we made it a fun day for you while you were here. We do try to make it a memorable experience. After all, it's not every day that you win the lottery. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by: Mary Neubauer | November 22, 2017 at 02:12 PM
Thank You !!! Iowa Lottery, I was out to your office in Clive, Iowa to claim my winnings and I met two great people there !!! Of course its fun to win money ..but they were as excited as I was ...very cool Thx, Again really made my day
Posted by: Dan Roby | November 22, 2017 at 03:30 AM