This topic seems to be a perennial one when it comes to lottery games, and in general the questions we receive about it come from folks who didn’t win a prize on a particular ticket and aren’t happy about that. They question whether something is wrong with the overall odds information we post for our lottery games.
I get it: Winning a prize is obviously one of the main reasons that people play the lottery. But remember that each play is based solely on random chance. There are many winning tickets, but your purchase does not guarantee a winner.
We honestly mean it when we say that if playing the lottery is something that causes you stress, then please don’t do it. A lottery ticket is always an optional purchase, and how you choose to spend your discretionary income is entirely up to you as a consumer.
The bottom line is, people win prizes all over the state. And not even we know when the next big one will hit.
So what do the odds really mean? Click on the video above to learn more.
I don’t play lotto America for this reason alone. The drawing is not held live on air or you tube. Here why I don’t play. this game was from hot lotto which several jackpot winnings were rigged by a thief. The game already has bad fibes. The Iowa Lottery law does not let a jackpot winner stay anonymous for transparency reasons . But yet this games drawing isn’t transparent. Little bit of double standard here.
Posted by: George W Lowrey | June 18, 2018 at 10:54 AM