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January 25, 2019


Hi, Terry. That is a federal tax requirement. I'm not a tax-law expert to be able to explain why $1,200 is the threshold specified on the federal level, I just know that it is. Businesses must then ensure that they comply with the law and apply those taxes to customers' winnings.

Why is it at the casinos (Prairie Meadows)if you win up to $1199.00 they don’t take taxes out and at $1200.00 up and above they do? Terry Barrett, [email protected]

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As the lottery’s vice president of external relations, I’m a member of the senior management team at the Iowa Lottery, where I’ve worked since 1999. I’ve spent my years at the lottery learning as much as I can about all the ins and outs of the lottery industry. I’ll put that knowledge to work here so I can share the behind-the-scenes details with you!