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November 04, 2020


Hi, Kevin. Thank your for being willing to share your thoughts with us! I will forward your comments to our game-planning folks.

I think the best bang for your buck in Lotto America is to cover all 10 Star balls giving you 10 chances for $8 because you are guaranteed to match the Star ball. The All Star Bonus for an extra $1 per play is just a waste of money to me. I play to win the Big Jackpot so the 10 plays for $8 strategy is my best bet. I guess if you like to spend an extra $1 per play to most likely double your win, go for it.
One other note about Lotto America that I have addressed before is the unbalanced payout schedule. Star Ball= $2 is Fair, but Star Ball plus 1 white ball is also $2,it should be $3 due to longer odds. Another nice win would be a Free Play for a 2 white ball match, Wouldn't cost the Lotto anything to give a Free Play and it would keep players interest up.

Dan: Good catch, and thank you for being a blog reader! Eagle eyes are always appreciated. I have fixed that detail.

Hi, Donna. Here is a direct link to the page where you can find the results for our "Joker" Prize Zone promotion:


Thanks for the info on the power play option.But I think you made a pretty big mistake. On powerball if you get the 5 white balls for 1 million the multiplier only goes to 2 not 3,4,and 5 like you said.

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As the lottery’s vice president of external relations, I’m a member of the senior management team at the Iowa Lottery, where I’ve worked since 1999. I’ve spent my years at the lottery learning as much as I can about all the ins and outs of the lottery industry. I’ll put that knowledge to work here so I can share the behind-the-scenes details with you!