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February 18, 2021


Hi, Billy. The prizes shown on the remaining prizes list for the “Cherry Twist Progressive” game are in the current supply of tickets that are for sale. Over time, as the tickets available in particular InstaPlay games have been purchased, we have replenished the games. When that happens, players will notice that the available prizes increase along with the new supply of tickets being released. The tickets currently available in Cherry Twist Progressive are actually the third re-order in that game. I anticipate that the fourth round of tickets in the game will hit the market in the near future.

On the remaining prizes list it says there are three remaining on the Cherry Twist Progressive game. What happens after it's won three more times?

Hi, John. Great question, and the answer is rooted in what an unusual handful of months we have seen amidst the COVID-19 crisis. With so many people unexpectedly at home with time on their hands, they have been looking for entertainment options and have included scratch tickets in their hard-copy choices. Lottery scratch-game sales in Iowa have been extremely strong, especially at the $10 price point. We have modified some of our game schedules to ensure we would continue to have supplies of popular games in the marketplace. The "$100,000 Mega Crossword" is an extremely popular product, and we're doing our best to estimate supply and demand for that game. So, while the new game started today, the older version of it is not being pulled from the market. You'll be able to buy tickets in both, and by releasing the new game today, we'll have at least one version of it for sale in the weeks ahead.

I have a question. What is the purpose of starting a new $100,000 Mega Crossword puzzle when there are 6 top prizes remaining in the current game. That is almost 1/3 of the remaining top prizes. I don't understand the logic.

Jemella: Thank you for making us smile today! I think there may be some other folks who join you in wanting those prizes. :)

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As the lottery’s vice president of external relations, I’m a member of the senior management team at the Iowa Lottery, where I’ve worked since 1999. I’ve spent my years at the lottery learning as much as I can about all the ins and outs of the lottery industry. I’ll put that knowledge to work here so I can share the behind-the-scenes details with you!