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March 12, 2021


no the real question is why are nearly all of the instant win tickets being won in the des moines area and fifty miles from the lottery headquarters. There are I believe three tickets sold as winners in towns not even close to des moines other wise in tracking the map here lately and since the instant game started all jackpots won are in des moines Just like the scratch ticket winners for this month, only two from cedar rapids the rest from des moines and in des moines area. I believe to better ones odds at this lottery game you just find a store with in fifty miles of the lottery headquarter to buy any and all winning scratch ticket that are big winners and instant games.

Hi, Barbara. No decision has been made yet in the discussions about possible changes to the Powerball game. The lotteries in the game continue to proactively explore ideas that could expand the pool of eligible players, control operational costs, and increase sales through jackpot growth. One of those options is licensing the sale of Powerball in select international jurisdictions. There's no defined timetable for a decision, but it does make good business sense for the Powerball Product Group to continue exploring potential ideas.

Since its start back in 1992, the Powerball game has been updated several times to meet player expectations and deliver consistent revenue to important state causes. And at the Iowa Lottery, we've been upfront about the ongoing market challenges to our portfolio of lotto games, which existed even before the onset of the COVID-10 public health emergency.

We'll provide updates if decisions are made about updates to Powerball or any of our lotto games!

When is the Powerball going to be open to Australia and other countries outside of the US? How will that change the Powerball?

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As the lottery’s vice president of external relations, I’m a member of the senior management team at the Iowa Lottery, where I’ve worked since 1999. I’ve spent my years at the lottery learning as much as I can about all the ins and outs of the lottery industry. I’ll put that knowledge to work here so I can share the behind-the-scenes details with you!