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September 07, 2021


Hi, Barbara. Thank you for reaching out here on the blog -- and for entering our VIP Club promotions! I can tell you that in general, our drawings start around 10 a.m., but the process actually takes a few hours to complete. After the entries are initially selected, our Security folks then conduct their reviews to ensure among other things that the entries came from eligible games, and that the people involved aren't on the lottery's prohibited players lists. I think people have the impression that the drawing takes just a minute or two and then the information would be ready to go, but the behind-the-scenes work takes much longer to complete, and the work of our security folks can't be shown on camera. I hope that helps answer your question!

Hi, Shirley. I apologize, I did not seen your comment when it first came in. To enter tickets into a promotion using the Iowa Lottery's mobile app, you'll need to click on the "VIP Club" tab on the home page and then sign into your VIP Club account. Once you have signed in, links will be on the screen for the current lottery promotions. You referenced wanting to enter a Powerball ticket, which tells me that you are looking for the "Powerball First Millionaire of the Year" promotion. The link to enter it will be on the screen once you have logged into you VIP Club account on the mobile app.

I wish we could know when (the time--we know the date) you draw the winner (s) from the VIP entries--play it again--or even watch you draw the winners online.... It would be fun to see the process and how it happens on the Iowa Lottery's end. (for these contests)
Can you make that happen for this contest? (and future Play -it-Again contests???

I don't see on the app where to enter your Powerball ticket

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As the lottery’s vice president of external relations, I’m a member of the senior management team at the Iowa Lottery, where I’ve worked since 1999. I’ve spent my years at the lottery learning as much as I can about all the ins and outs of the lottery industry. I’ll put that knowledge to work here so I can share the behind-the-scenes details with you!