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February 06, 2023


Hello again, Zap. Just to clarify, what you have written in your comment is untrue. The previous jackpot winner in the Super 7s Progressive InstaPlay game -- the prize amount involved was $139,481 -- the winner purchased the ticket at a store in Cedar Rapids. In the Extreme Green Progressive InstaPlay game, there have been jackpot winners in the past couple years from Keokuk, Corning, Dunlap, De Witt, Clear Lake, Robins, Missouri Valley, Denmark, Saint Donatus, Corydon, Cedar Falls, Burlington ... the list of places outside of the Des Moines area goes on. InstaPlay games have been offered in Iowa since 2016, and if all the jackpot winners in the games through the years would have been from the Des Moines area, there would be something wrong. But there have been InstaPlay prize winners from all across the state, reflecting that winning tickets are purchased by winners from many different areas in Iowa.

Oh WOW lets map this one Iowa Lottery. since the start of these "instant" games, if you look on the record, every one of the big jackpots that go on these games are won in Des Moines..oh gee I am soooo surprised Someone won this big one from Des Moines!"??? there has only been one ticket won in davenport for a big chance on these instance tickets, and I do believer perhaps maybe and I am strechting the m a y b e another one who won who does not reside near des moines, but this instant game outside of Des Moines, is a loosing very loosing bet. If there has been ten winners in total of the big prizes, 8 winners came from within minutes of the head quarters of Iowa lottery or from des moines..a very loosing lottery bet outside of Des Moines, spend your dollars on a instant scratch if not living in Des Moines vs paying to get another des moines resident wealthy the way the Iowa Lottery corners the winners to keep the money close to home. Second chance drawings also make it clear how this lottery is operating. Just map it..200 prizes and 179 from just des moines or with in an hour of iowa headwquarters. its hard to believe that the only second chance players live in des moines neighborhood, you get five people in one draw who won from des moines area, and then only two from the other side of the state.. common someone submits over 700 second chance tickets doesn't get picked for anything but 179 people had more tickets in the pot than someone on the other side of Iowa truly something is fishing when this many prizes and big wins comeing from Des Moines when multiple people are winning from urbandale, Pleasantville, map it confirms exactly what I am saying...its all rigged to stay close to Des Moines if possible

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As the lottery’s vice president of external relations, I’m a member of the senior management team at the Iowa Lottery, where I’ve worked since 1999. I’ve spent my years at the lottery learning as much as I can about all the ins and outs of the lottery industry. I’ll put that knowledge to work here so I can share the behind-the-scenes details with you!