Some references from another state just caught my eye and made me realize we don’t really have a name for that here! (But maybe now we will.)
I’m talking about plays in Pick 3 and Pick 4 games that contain identical numbers. They’ve always been some of the most popular plays purchased in those games. They’re made up of numbers like 3-3-3 in Pick 3 or 7-7-7-7 in Pick 4.
I don’t know that I can tell you why they’re so popular – we as human beings just seem to like repeat numbers, and we must think they’re lucky.
A colleague from another lottery said that they call plays like that “Trips” in Pick 3 and “Quads” in Pick 4.
Those are new names to me, and I’ll admit, I like them! I like them so much, I’m probably going to start using them. Hey, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?
Do you think those names will catch on here in Iowa? Or, if you’ve got a name for plays like 1-1-1 or 2-2-2-2, what do you call them?
Hi, Terry. They're great terms for those plays, aren't they? Just to clarify, you already can buy those types of plays in Pick 3 and Pick 4, we just hadn't ever heard them called Quads and Trips. But they're great names!
Posted by: Mary Neubauer | August 31, 2023 at 11:54 AM
Trips and Quads which would be nice if ya brought them out soon 🤣
Posted by: Terry Randolph | August 29, 2023 at 06:34 PM