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January 31, 2024


Hi, Dennis. The blog entry highlighted the perception that people from many different places seem to have, and it's universal in all their spots. But it is true that there are winners all across the state. We have details available on our website showing how the money is used from each dollar spent on a lottery ticket in Iowa. Here is a direct link to that information: https://ialottery.com/Pages/Pressroom/IALotteryGivesBack.aspx

As I read the story, essentially it is reported that the commenters were all wrong and there are lots of winners from all over the state. I believe they may be talking about the big winners of the multi-million dollar jackpots are rarely won in the small states. What most people apparently don't understand is with gambling, it's the house that always wins regardless of what players win or lose. The Iowa lottery is the winner every time someone plays. In order for a player to win a large prize, many other players have to lose. Losers become addicted and then the house, the state of Iowa, offers consultation to help them free themselves from the addiction the House has given them. Then the House, the state of Iowa, punishes the underage student athletes that try to win some of the big money the House, the state of Iowa, is pushing. The house wants people to gamble to fund there pleasures, but they don't want them to become addicted or start too early. What does it cost the state to run the lottery ie: wages, advertising, etc., as a percentage of earnings, what percent is spent to curb or stop gambling addiction, and what percentage is spent in Iowa to curb taxes or benefit the tax payers of Iowa? Just curious.

Hi, Doug. Thank you for playing the lottery. As we outlined in this blog entry, the belief that "no one from here ever wins" is a myth that seems to be based on people's desire to have the big win for themselves. And we get that. Lottery wins are determined solely by random chance, so we will hope to see your name on our big winner's list in the future!

I have said the same thing for years also that the winners of the larger amounts is always from the center of the state east. I have been playing the lottery since it started and I think I can count on one hand the number of big wins in western Iowa. I always thought it was do to population, but sometimes I wonder. I'll keep donating my money to the others and just maybe God will look down and say OK Doug it's your turn.

Hi, Willie! You are right -- we could find comments about "no one from here ever winning" for just about any place in Iowa. I think it goes back to the mindset I described in this blog entry. We'll hope to see YOUR name on our winners lists soon!

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As the lottery’s vice president of external relations, I’m a member of the senior management team at the Iowa Lottery, where I’ve worked since 1999. I’ve spent my years at the lottery learning as much as I can about all the ins and outs of the lottery industry. I’ll put that knowledge to work here so I can share the behind-the-scenes details with you!