A change is underway for the paper used to print lotto tickets and InstaPlay tickets in Iowa, and I’m calling your attention to it to help answer questions.
Serial numbers have been printed for years on the back of the paper stock used to produce tickets from lottery terminals and self-service kiosks in Iowa. Lotto tickets in games like Powerball® and Mega Millions® are printed on that paper, as are tickets in InstaPlay games.
But those serial numbers are being phased out now.
Technology updates have allowed additional identifying security features to be printed on lotto and InstaPlay tickets as they’re being generated. Those new security codes have replaced the need for serial numbers on the back of paper ticket stock in Iowa.
The Iowa Lottery is using up its existing supply of paper with serial numbers on the back, then moving to the new paper without the serial numbers. The new stock is being distributed as locations run out.
During this transition period, you may buy a ticket that has a serial number on the back at one store and get a ticket without a serial number at another location. Both tickets are valid – there is nothing wrong with either kind.
We anticipate that the supply of paper stock with serial numbers on the back will soon be gone statewide, and then all lotto and InstaPlay tickets will be printed on the new stock.
Have fun playing the lottery, and if you’ve noticed the change, thank you for being a vigilant consumer! I hope the details here have helped shine a light on the update that’s happening.
Hi, Mark. And yep, those details on the front of the ticket will lead you right through the organizing process!
Posted by: Mary Neubauer | June 11, 2024 at 10:56 AM
I LIKED HAVING THE serial numbers on the back of tickets - as i buy multiple tickets for individuals and pools it helped me put them in order - now i just use the day / time bought to put them in order.
Posted by: mark cameron | June 11, 2024 at 10:46 AM